Wednesday, November 30, 2011

30 Days of HAIR!!!! Day 30!!!!

DAY 30!!!  I can't believe this is the last day.  Crazy.  Anyway.  This one is another complicated one.  I thought the last one should be.  I'll try to explain it as clearly as I can.  I started by parting my hair into 3 sections.  I put an elastic around each of the two sections on the outside, then did a french braid with the middle section going from the back to the front, using an elastic to secure in the front.  I then divided the side sections into 3 equal parts.  Here is where it gets tricky.  I started in the back with the bottom sections and french braided those sections toward the front, then crossed them, continuing with a regular braid until it could reach the opposite side to the second section on each side, then switched back to a french braid for the next section.  Then I repeated until all of the hair was braided.  So starting at the bottom there should be one braid down the middle of your head and one from each side, both making v's, crossing the middle twice.  Wow.  Does that sense?  PLEASE ask questions if it doesn't.  From this point with the hair completely braided I basically tangled the brades together and pulled them apart until there was a pleasant little pile in the front, then I secured it with bobby pins.  Ta-da!  Take that 30 days of Hair!  Enjoy!!!

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