Monday, October 31, 2011

30 Days of HAIR!!! Day 1

SO sorry for being unable to take a normal/nice looking picture of myself.  Haha.  Hairstyle #1

For this hairstyle I did a loose french twist with most of my hair ending up on top.  Then I swung it around to one side and joined it together with bobby pins.
I got an idea from another blog to do 30 days of hair.  I wanted to do hair styles that weren't things that people could easily think up on their own(like a side pony, straightening or curling hair or simple braid).  Here is a link to my pinterest board "hair".  I logged some of my inspirations there.  I will try my hardest to do one a day, but if I don't I'll make up for it in the next post.  I think I will also post my failures...some days just don't work out, BUT I promise to do AT LEAST 30 different hairstyles that I deem to be a success.  I am excited.  Lets get started!  Here are some things to note before we do:
-I can not take a normal or decent picture of myself or my hair
-Some hairstyles do NOT work with curly hair.  Or, they do, but you can't tell the insane amount of work that went into it.
-Hopefully you can see the details, but if enough people want me to I can get someone to take pictures for me.
-Having taken all the pictures myself, there are no tutorials, so if you want some clarification I can recreate the style on a day Art will be home and have him take some for me.
-Please excuse the no make up days.  I'm a mom and a crazy one at that.


  1. You are ambitious! Can ANYONE really take a decent photo of themselves? That'a difficult task, indeed!

  2. Seriously, I don't know what it is, but even if it's basically the same picture it still turns out way better than when you take it yourself.
