Monday, January 17, 2011

Pom Pom Tutorial

I am super excited for this blog.  I think it will be really interesting and have a huge variety.  Here is our first post!  I wanted to make a pom pom for matching hats I made for Hyrum and Jude.  I didn't know it would be so easy.  So here is a little tutorial.  Let me know if it's confusing or you have any questions.  They are fun to do anyway for whatever you might use them for.

This is the hat I wanted the pom pom for

Wrap yarn around your fingers.  The more yarn, the fuller the pom pom.  Do all four fingers for a bigger pom pom and a couple of fingers for a smaller one.

Cut a long piece of yarn to tie around the center.  I tied a knot on one side, then wrapped it again to tie it in one more knot, leaving long strands to sew it onto the hat.

Next you cut all of the little loops you have made around the pom pom.

Now it will look a little mangy, but all it needs is a trim.  Just trim it down until you like the shape and size.

Next you take the yarn tails and sew the pom pom onto the top of the hat.

Tada!  Hat and handsome boy not included.

If you use a less fluffy yarn you can use a wire brush to fluff it up after you are done.
Happy pom poming!


  1. I love this! Well done, thank you for the post. I have a hat to try it with for Simon. (The other kids spent a couple of minutes taking their pompoms off their hats that already had one. arg..)

  2. This is actually the second one I made for Hyrum...I let him have his hat for an hour car ride, MY fault. hahah. I was glad they were so easy!
